Choose to search for Drosophila metabolites or pathways:

Search for a pathway and find out which metabolites are present in different ages of Drosophila .

Glycolysis and metabolites found in aged Drosophila .

The smallest p-values reveal the ages with the most significant changes in the pathway metabolites from whole flies (7 days old).

Age Adult F/W p-value Adult M/W p-value
30 Days 0.9996221594397116 1.0
20 Days 0.16205827045591942 1.0
10 Days 0.9999999994103241 1.0
60 Days 0.2317484524301695 1.0
40 Days 0.9999639764611759 1.0
50 Days 0.009309467453789935 0.595185382641221
0 Days 0.07743390959051671 1.0

In this diagram the overrepresentation shown as ReactomeH highlights compounds (with associated peaks) that are found in FlyMet

Selected Pathway