Investigate the the metabolite peaks found in Drosophila tissues and Aged Flies.

The log2 fold-change (FC) in peak intesity levels between tissues in Male and Female Drosophila.

Columns can be dragged to reorganise the data as required.

Peak ID m/z RT Brain (M/F) Carcass (M/F) Crop (M/F) Eye (M/F) Fat Body (M/F) Head (M/F) Heart (M/F) Hemolymph (M/F) Hindgut (M/F) Midgut (M/F) Muscle (M/F) Rectal Pad (M/F) Salivary Gland (M/F) Tubules (M/F) VNC (M/F) Whole (M/F)
Peak Annotations

Click on a peak to see the metabolites associated with it.

Peak Annotations

All adducts